Webtrees failed to authenticate
Webtrees failed to authenticate

webtrees failed to authenticate

If there still aren't enough resources, the refresh will then fail.

OTP certificate enrollment for user failed on CA server , request failed, possible reasons for failure: CA server name cannot be resolved, CA server cannot be accessed over the first DirectAccess tunnel or the connection to the CA server cannot be established.

User fails to authenticate using OTP with the error: 'Authentication failed due to an internal error' Error received (client event log). On-demand refreshes such as those triggered by a user request or an API call will retry three times. Failed to access the CA that issues OTP certificates. These also have failed to renew the certificates citing the same errors. If there are too many concurrent refreshes, the scheduled refresh is queued until a refresh slot is available, resulting in the operation taking longer to complete. The second pair of firewalls has certificates which are expiring in a couple of days. I also cannot deploy through Panorama as the devices are no longer connected (which I believe is due to the failed certificate request. I tried going through the OTP process to redeploy the certificate but under Device > Setup > Management > Device Certificate the "Get Certificate" button is no longer there.

webtrees failed to authenticate

I started digging and found out that JwtAuthenticationProvider complains that he 'Failed to authenticate since the JWT was invalid'. Whereas PGV aimed to do everything for everyone, webtrees aims to to be efficient and effective by using the right combination of third-party tools, design techniques and open standards. I configured spring security following along tutorials on the web, placed all client ids and all that stuff into and ran my application.

webtrees failed to authenticate

#Webtrees failed to authenticate software

The last fetched message says "Failed to renew device certificate. webtrees - the web based Family History Software - is based on the popular PhpGedView ('PGV') application. The first pair had certificates which expired on August 18 and have failed to be renewed. I have 4 firewalls grouped into 2 HA pairs. Before I go to Palo Alto support (as that's all we have right now) I wanted to see if anyone here has seen this issue. Yes, I've posted on the Live! forums, but have not received any assistance.

Webtrees failed to authenticate